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world population! the world is very populated in our day and time. i remember studing in college that benjiman franklin studied American population and said if we didnt have some kind of birth control there wouldnt be enough food to keep up with the demand. America makes up a small perecentage compaired to the world pipulation however we are the largest consumer of energy. I also read a research study that said we could fit the entire world population in the state of texas alone and each person would have some land to go with it. So i wander is it? it boggles my mind how expensive it is to raise a child in America so how is it less expensive in other parts of the world? i think it is our culture in america that makes it so expensive. we want the best for children and it seems every generation wants the next one to have it better as well. i think we are too dam spoilt in the good ole USA do you? the average American uses three 55gal containers of water on a daily basis. doctor strengh research at ASU. think about it. all the flushes on toilets we make on a daily basis, dish washing, cloth washing, fish tanks, watet the plants/grass, water in our veggie cans of food, water in our radiators etc. maybe we should tighten up so others will have some to after we are all dead and gone. i want my children and my grandchildren to have good water in the future. will there be ebougj people to take care of the baby boomers now as they start retiring? how many people do we need in this world? biology teaches a 50 50 offspring of males and females in our world but more women are alive due to the young male testrone fighting, war, and easy to anger! what do you think?

openminded 4 Nov 27

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i think we are fucked


I alway said having children is a selfish act due to the fact that you are satisfying your own desires rather than that of an unborn individual who has no choice in the decision .Also if you can not provide for their education thru collage ,which most can’t ,you have no right to impose this burden on someone .Student debt is the PARENTS fault .I have one child and think one child is enough


i'm adressing your points from the bottom up, so firstley the birth rates are 1.3 males get born for every female, that's basic biology primarily because male infants are far more fragile, with modern medicine and education have made survival rates the same more or less, hence we are actually seeing a more male dominated populace.

a big thing i found in my reading was that Americans use a disproportionate amount of power drying clothes whilst most countries use the sun or wind to do this. Jimmy carter actually had solar panels on the white house and encouraged americ to go 'more green' but the american people didn't like that.

America is a very cheap country to live in, you may think its expensive for the same reason its cheap, as you have archaic minimum wage laws, your only expense that is notably larger then other countries is you health care, which made my travel insurance higher for the USA then if i went to Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan.


I piss outside most of the time. Even in the winter. I go when the dogs go.

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