2 0😂🤷🏻‍♂️😂

Confused joined this as I thought it was a place for good debate on life with people that generally think the same am I doing something wrong or not doing things right ???

sullykemp12 3 Oct 8

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"No one needs a relationship?"
We are all social animals, are we not?


There are people that know gods exist, they are called gnostics.

When you die, everyone else does NOT die with you, so after you are dead, someone does know what is happening.

If you attack me, I might call you a demon, then it can be said, I was attacked by a demon.

Try looking at and tell me the weather man is not predicting the future.

Have you ever known a person that is quadriplegic? If you ever become quadriplegic and shit yourself in bed that you cannot get out of, would you want a nurse to say, no one can help you clean yourself but you clean yourself, yourself.

No one needs money, everything should be free.

Only relationship I ever need is with the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God in non-existance. Would that still be a relationship, to be non-existent together? It would work for me.

Exactly, what I have gone thru may not be exactly know by someone else. But, things might have simularity.

If I am my thoughts and my sad thoughts are making me sad then I am making my self sad. It could not be said "no one is making you sad".
Or is it that you are calling me a sad "no one."?

I had no control over the fact my mother pushed me out of the womb. I had no control over the doctors slapping me to breath. I cannot even control myself enough to kill myself because I just keep living a life I never asked for in the first place, especially this pathetic crap.

Word Level 8 Oct 8, 2020
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