In early 1992, I agreed to go to dinner with a guy that I didn't even like. I was far away from home for the first time and lonely. Fast forward to May 1993...I became a mother. Changed the course of my life forever. My original plan didn't include marriage and children.
I ate a grey M&M once, it tasted just like the others. I failed to read the package.
It was worth 1 million dollars.
Lols, really? that's mad! Poor chap.
The best part of it I just returned from Germany to the states and I was literally homeless at the time.
Not going to college right away as soon as I graduated from high school. And just not getting a degree in general.
I turned down an offer to go for Navy Nuke back in the day. Ended up joining the military two years later... If I'd gone that route, I'd've been in the military a lot longer, probably would've seen more of the world (rather than just Europe and the North Americas)... and likely would not have met my wife. I would NOT go back and change that decision but I often review it and... ponder the consequences.
Left Colorado for California in '88. It was like I re-booted myself.
To leave everything and move to Thailand to teach.
To leave my homeland and move in UK
Where's your homeland?
@Fulishsage italy, Rome
I decided to metal detect in my backyard, found a meteor. Realised geology was a thing and became one.
Entering a poetry competition in my junior year of high school. It was a grade so I had to enter, but now I'm pursuing a writing career that I couldn't possibly have imagined beforehand.