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why does all religion want your hard earned cash when they don't do anything to deserve it....

James121 7 Oct 13

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Religion is little more than a profligate beggar. If their god is so damn powerful, why does he need our money to do 'his work' in the first place?


Many religions are scams, scaring people with threats of Hell, and then demanding donations so they can go to Heaven, instead. 🙄

All of them are......some are more ridiculous than others of course.

@creative51 Unitarian Universalist.


Because man-made religion is all about having power in the here and now.

Mvtt Level 7 Oct 13, 2020

It’s just amazing how, over and over again, people are fooled by this nonsense.

Jerry Falwell Jr. and Sr., Tammy Faye Baker, Jimmy Swaggert, Jesse Helms, Pat Robertson certainly are con artists, but the fact that they have benefitted from ignorance, fear and outright lies the way they have is not the real problem

The real problem is the naive and the ignorant or outright non intelligence of those who allow them to get where they are.


I'll just look at it this way, it actually beats having a real Jobby job like the people that are so f** stupid to give their money to these m**** assholes every time they ask. Quite devious are they not. 🤮


Money is power, and they crave power..

Varn Level 8 Oct 14, 2020

Look at it the other way.

If you want hard cash, the easiest way to get it, is to find a way where you don't have to do anything or provide anything to earn it.


From the bible references it looks like it’s usually a bribe to persuade God to stop being cruel to them, but sometimes it’s as payment for not following his prescribed way of life, so a pay off: []


It is a franchised business little different than McDonald's and profit is a motivator.


This is Aron Ra. He’s an Atheist. Part of the Atheist Alliance of America and a renowned paleontologist. You can see his videos on YouTube. They’re great work. He may believe God doesn’t exist, and differs from agnostics, since we don’t take blind leaps. However, when it comes to proving logic over religion, he has helped me some.


Georhe Carlin might explain better


If you have left religion, this should be a non-issue for you. Leaving means leaving.


It's grease for the slide into heaven.


Well said


While I agree that religion in general is a con and most preachers are out for money and power... There are many churches that give back to the community. Some run soup kitchens and/or work with the homeless or others with problems. Unfortunately... Most require you to repay with prayer...


Apparently this god fellow is bad at managing money so asks for our money!!🤣


Because religion is all about money and power.


It is simple, they are parasites, just like the parasites you see in nature, just more proof of evolution.


They want to build an empire they want power.



godef Level 7 Oct 13, 2020

Oh, they bring you salvation. Trouble is, you don't get it until after you're dead. Its sort of a 'layaway plan'.🤣


If it’s to support the church it makes sense. If it is to get a second jet well....


They lie to you about everything, they give you false hope and promises of eternal life and paradise so you never have to die. These people work hard to get your money. You don't think they should shovel all that shit for free, do you?

Tighes line the pockets of evangelical ministers. They buy mansions and private Jets. As a previous APS worker I saw many of the elderly spend their last Penney to the church with no money for meds or food. Religious based laws keep their money flowing in. I fail to understand how many people devoting their lives to a fictitious character.


Not my concern but the preacher has to be paid and there are functions that include food and drink, etc., etc.


Religion needs the money to support itself. The faithfools give them the money because their holy book tells them to.

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