The school wouldn’t reveal how many cases of COVID there were among its students, but since other schools had reported their numbers, there were no other reasonable options on the table. The COVID was coming from inside the building.
The number of 'cases' is said to be on the rise everywhere. But that is really a fairly useless metric, as the amount of testing is increasing, and the value of the test results are still very questionable.
Useless metric? What metric would you recommend be used? The value of test results is questionable? By whom?
The most important metrics are, the number of hospitalizations and the number of deaths due to CoV2. Very many medical practitioners have stated that the tests are very inaccurate.
@BDair It depends on which (brand) test you get and they type of test. The "rapid tests" which Trump is pushing, are the least accurate. []
Irresponsible people are just plain assholes.
Maybe that's giving them too much credit!
Totally agree!!
But sadly innocent people get hurt sometimes because of that.