THIS IS GOOD: "We ask that you honor the democratic process and insist the hearings be put on hold until after the voters have made their choice."
"The politics of your nomination, as you surely understand, will further inflame our civic wounds, undermine confidence in the court, and deepen the divide among ordinary citizens, especially if you are seated by a Republican Senate weeks before the election of a Democratic president and congress. You have the opportunity to offer an alternative to all that by demanding that your nomination be suspended until after the election. We implore you to take that step."
. . . more than a hundred signatories, impressive.
I will be very happily AMAZED if she heeds this advise. I'm sure she is as single minded, focusing on her "ME!" and her theocratic agenda as Trump is unminded!
@K9Kohle789 Anyone for taking bets?
@K9Kohle789 I'll bet she'll take the job because her god-thing is more important to her than her country.