Have you received any compliments that have stuck with you for years and still cause you to feel good?
My mother once said I was the baby that made her realise why people have children.
It doesn't get any better than that.
When my adult children tell me they had a great childhood and that I am their inspiration, that's bound to stick with you for a lifetime.
@Donotbelieve same hope here
Only when my teenage daughter told a friend that I am one of the smartest people she knows. Obviously, she didn't know that I was walking past her bedroom door when she said it. I never told her that I heard it either.
@Donotbelieve I was pretty shocked. That will always be a very sweet memory.
In the interest of honesty about my age, she was a teenager when she said that. She isn't now.
A member of 10,000 Maniacs said one of my songs was the prettiest song he'd ever heard.
I once grilled Michael Chertoff at a lecture he gave at our university and co-workers attending came over to congratulate me for holding his feet to the fire. They also told me to watch my back from there on in. LOL.
From a blog post elsewhere on the encounter.
"I asked Michael Chertoff directly at a lecture at my university. I asked him how we as Americans could trust that the recent story of so many false positive of the no-fly watch list is not a serious concern(it’s up to like a bazillion names so clearly the only people in the country not terrorist are me and you…and i’m not so sure about you).
He dismissed it with the verbal technique of hand waving and changed the subject.
He said (pretty close to an exact quote) That it doesn’t happen that often, the information is not misused, false positives can be corrected so they don’t recur, our people have integrity, I can assure you, and when they don’t the area they are lacking in integrity isn’t relevant to those with privileged information. He then changed to subject by adding that they’ve got some cool spy toys/aids/tools/software on the horizon that meant that trivial concerns we had that were of no real concern would soon be of even less concern, though that would be based on them getting the budget needed to keep that well-oiled machine humming."
Some regarding my legs, dancing and intimate things.
Goes back before disco age. lol.
woooah there
Once while discussing some problems I was having, a good friend said, “well, you’ll be fine. You always roll with the punches”. It was the way he said it, with such confidence, like it was the most obvious thing. It gave me strength then and I continue to draw on it.
A few years back my chemistry professor pulled me off to the side after I turned in my final exam and said "I know you plan on becoming a nurse and there is nothing wrong with that, but know you're smart enough to do anything you want to do so don't settle"
I'll never forget that because its the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
This seems like as good a place as any to put this. Your pictures are cute AF and they always make me smile. I was thinking about sending you a PM stating such, but was worried it might come across as unintentionally creepy.
No. Thank YOU. xD
The Medical Physicist who was performing my wife's radiation therapy. I told her about an idea to make radiation therapy sasfer, and more effective. She turned to my wife and said "I am trying to convince your husband to pursue his doctorate." I am still tempted.
@Donotbelieve Glad you're smiling. Thank you, and rightbackatcha!
Yes. Apparently I'm caring, loving, accepting, compassionate, give excellent hugs and kisses.
I've had a number of my professors at college complain to me that I made them feel stupid, so I suppose that's a sort of a compliment.
I can’t think of any, not saying I’ve never been complimented, but nothing just stuck with me.
@Donotbelieve all these palm trees burning lol