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Memphis poll worker fired for turning away voters wearing BLM shirts.

A poll worker were fired in Memphis, Tennessee after turning away early voters who were wearing "Black Lives Matter" and "I Can't Breathe" shirts, an election official said Monday.

The number of voters who were told to leave was not immediately known, but Thompson said it was only a few. The poll worker thought the statements were tied to the Democratic Party, Shelby County Election Commission spokeswoman Suzanne Thompson said.

“That was pretty bad,” she said. “They were not supposed to be turned away.”

Early voter turnout ahead of the Nov. 3 election has been strong in Memphis and throughout Tennessee. Early voting ends Oct. 29 in the state.

Tennessee law does not allow voters to wear items bearing the name of a candidate or a political party in a polling place. But state law does not prohibit statements such as “Black Lives Matter,” Thompson said.


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 20

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Good for them. Now I hope they published the problem so that voters learned they could come back safely


I was once told I had to cover up my Firefly fan t-shirt, just like this one. Even though the Browncoats only exist in science fiction.

EDIT- that's BrownCOATS, not brownshirts

@dave1459 An election worker, the one who checked me in


Bummer,hope they went back


That's fucked up! In NY State you can't show any campaign material, but the items described would absolutely be permitted. I guess it's testimony to the hatred generated by republicons against anything that smacks of social justice.


I wonder if Illinois has such voting rules. I'm voting by mail this year.


Here's a different one -- a cop busted for wearing a Trump mask at a polling place. []

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