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Just a quick hello. Trying to get my feet wet (figuratively, not literally)!

CeCeMTL 4 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Hello and welcome. Enjoy the site and do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone. ( I don't know about wet feet, the site does not seem to do towels, though you can get a teeshirt. )


Welcome, CeCe! We're a friendly bunch and we love new members!

Has anyone told you yet about the HUGE PARTY new members are expected to throw for experienced members? Lobster and champagne are always welcome, as is a mariachi group (or two) and a pool....absolutely need a pool! We'll all be careful to keep our safe distance. "😉

Jump right in and start reading/posting/laughing.....making friends!

"Like" every post/comment you read and your points count will rise quickly!



skado Level 9 Oct 20, 2020
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