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More false news?

“Compared with patients with influenza, those with COVID-19 had a more than five times higher risk for in-hospital death and approximately double the ICU admission risk and hospital length of stay, and were at higher risk for 17 acute respiratory, cardiovascular, hematologic, neurologic, renal and other complications,” the CDC said in a new report released on Tuesday.
Covid-19 patients FIVE TIMES more likely to die in hospital than those with flu, are at higher risk for 17 complications – CDC []

The study drew on the hospital records of 3,948 patients hospitalized with the Covid-19 and 5,453 patients hospitalized with a common flu in the Veterans Health Administration. Does this rather identify that VHA flu patients are looked after by staff who know what they are doing whereas not only do C19 have little experience but are largely staffed by the "desperate for a job" personnel?

FrayedBear 9 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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RT is a state-controlled international television network funded by the Russian federal tax budget. It operates pay television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, and Russian.
They're propaganda so I dismiss them out of hand.
I can't have a serious conversation about anything they're being used as a source for.
Thanks for trying fancy bear.

So you keep saying dearie. You are becoming boorish & showing your intelligence. The report is a repeat from an American source. Now please go & bore someone else.
Go & find your own source, it's your life that's at risk not mine. What an ingrate!

@FrayedBear No, it’s important to point out where Russians are fucking up. We’ll be watching you close fool.

@Willow_Wisp 😁 According to it's you Americans who are, to quote you, "fucking up". Calling me names will get you nowhere.

RT is the Russian answer to our CNN. Some things there are right on while others are propaganda.


Thats a weirdly worded sentence. Was it only the flu patients that were veterans? If so it seems like the results would be even more dramatic if that were not the case since they do generally get less good care. One would assume better outcomes from general population.
It seems like they should draw all their patients from the same type of setting.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 21, 2020

Thank you for having the similar scepticism.

@FrayedBear I looked it up on the CDC. All the patients were from the veterans hospitals. So it does seem more legit that way. I was confused by the poorly worded sentence.

If it were such that only the influenza patients were it would mean on average Covid would be even.more dangerous than influenza than the study said. Since it's all from the vet hospitals I'm not sure why you think that would make it not true. If the care is bad it's on average bad for all of them.


@MsAl I read it as one lot (flu) were in Vet institution, C19 in Gen Hosp. Hence my scepticism.

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