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LINK Virginia Pastor Lies About Being a Navy SEAL, but Gets Caught Thanks to His Own Stupidity | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

The man introduced himself as Mark Joston, a former Navy SEAL with four purple hearts and multiple other honors who also worked with the CIA’s “special operations division.” Any one of those things is an impressive credential. Several of them? Unbelievable.

Swaney’s readers pointed out that “Joston” is actually Pastor George Hunley. And Hunley has a history of lying.

snytiger6 9 Oct 23

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One thing you DO NOT do, if you're for real, is brag about your accomplishments. Anyone who had ever been SpecOps or SOCOM wouldn't be talking about it in a convention hall.

As a Private at Fort Benning, I once had to report to the infirmary and saw there 2 men, bearded, in camo fatigues with no insignia. My buddy asked me, in a none-too-quiet voice, "Who the fuck are those guys?" I nudged him hard and said, "Shut up!!" out of the corner of my mouth. I explained later that Fort Benning was home to the School of the Americas, where Special Forces trains foreign operators in counterinsurgency tactics. We had almost certainly just seen a couple of Green Berets dropping by to talk to the medic on call, who had a Special Forces crest on his uniform. These were guys who didn't officially exist. Spooky encounter.


Hunley and Donald Trump should become friends.

They probably are!!!


If you smell smoke your burnt.


You can always tell the fakers, first if they seem a bit low on intelligence, because you have to be a little stupid to think you'd get away with it.
Next they'll claim to know all kinds of "Top Secret" stuff, I had a "Crypt Secret" clearance at one time, but it's not like they give you the keys to the secret libraries when you get the clearance. It's on a need to know basis only. If you have a top secret clearance and there's a confidential message going around you don't get to know what that memo is about unless you NEED to know.
I don't think I ever needed to know anything, so I still don't, despite my clearance.
I'm sure it's expired now, as if I ever needed it.


Even if he was, it is nothing to be proud of.

As a veteran, I respectfully disagree with your opinion, although I will still defend to the death your right to hold it.

@Paul4747 Great Statement!! My father was a Command Sgt. Major in the US army reserve.......I salute you!!

@SeaRay215ex Hoo-ah.

@Paul4747 So, why did you join?


Pastor lies, bear sh!ts in woods... ok.

There are no such things as morals in religion.


Disgusting. Bad enough to lie about the Navy SEALs and such, but the purple hearts and a goddamn navy cross? Now I'm not like a huge military fan or anything, but I have respect for those who go through the shit that they do, and great respect for those who make it into the special forces. Not to mention those who have earned their medals.


Yea.......The wonders of religion. Churches should be called the House of Stupidity, where ignorance and purposeful blindness are an essential.


Religious nutcases aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


Just being a pastor places him as, at a very minimum, a purveyor of false and misleading information.

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