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I just found out why I have never known of an atheist eating dijon mustard. It is god mustard, atheist don't believe it exist.

city in the Burgundy region of eastern France, from Latin Divio, Divionis, from the personal name Divius "divine, godly," related to divus (see divine (adj.)). Noted for its mustard (Dijon mustard is attested in English by 1824).

Word 8 Oct 23

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I'm too old to cut the mustard any more, but guess what? 🙂

You hold the mayo?


I'm an atheist and I've eaten it. Although, I typically buy a cheaper version of it. Also, I have evidence that DiJon mustard exists; so I am not an aDiJonist.

So the cheaper is not as godly?

@Word It's probably the heretical version.


I'm an odd duck, I don't like any mustard

@creative51 Nah, I've got like eighteen kinds of hot sauce!

Up until recently I didn't like mustard much at all, but lately I've developed a taste for it. No accounting for taste.

I was a kid and we flew in to the Cleveland downtown airport, it takes off over the lake...small Cessna. Next door was Captain Frank's seafood restaurant. This time my dad ordered ribs and started swearing and sweating when he started eating them. They used Tabasco, something that never made an appearance in my childhood home. I ate his meal and he ate my shrimp. I was instantly hooked. Loved hot sauces ever since.


Actually here is one atheist who prefers Dijon mustard to the English mustard most Brits prefer. All the better when it’s the whole grain variety. I have visited Dijon on many occasions and may actually have eaten it when I was there ...but I wouldn’t swear on that!


I like most condomments...

I got that!!

@Paul4747 Kudos!! ☺😜


😳😯 I just bought more today. We eat it daily. 😆


I prefer Grey Poupon, and use it all the time, it’s better than Mayo, yuck!
Send this sandwich to the Mayo Clinic for a Mayo reduction procedure, a transplant, replace Mayo with Grey Poupon.


Love me some Dijon mustard lol


I like German mustard, blessed by Odin and Thor. Really, are you guys losing it?


I get a big trill out of Nun's Farts. Get your head round that. The nuns don't seem to mind, and its not illegal.

@actofdog Great story thank you. I did not know if they were just a French thing.


This atheist likes her Lusty Monk mustard. (Apologies for the sideways photo. Stupid app.)

dkp93 Level 8 Oct 23, 2020

I have the same problem with my pictures.

It was a mustard seed tree in the garden of eatin' that Adam and Eve ate from, maybe?


Gee, I don't use it because I can't stand how it tastes.
Who knew?


I love Dijon on ham

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 24, 2020

Sounds like it could be some God damn ham, pardon my french. I just had to say.


I'm agnostic and love to dip cheese sticks, or cheese slices into Dijon mustard. Anybody else do this? (Gray poupon is also good for dipping cheese in!).

Dipping my cheese into grey poupon sounds a little gay if you know what I mean. But, maybe I could try it sometime.


LOL - The comments are even funnier!!

This is a funny discussion. Funnies are allowed. So long as they are funny.


I prefer American mustard, it actually had less additives 🙂 and tastes yummy!


Grey Poupon?


Don't be silly. I like Dijon mustard. I've been an atheist since age 5.


Sure enough, as an agnostic I KNOW it exists.


Oh my fairy wasp. Next thing you know, people will be parting the ketchup sea.

Word Level 8 Oct 23, 2020

I say "goodbye" all the time (god be with you).

We just met and your saying goodbye already?


Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon.


Well, this atheist has decided she likes Dijon mustard and other mustards after many years of agnosticism about mustards. For some reason until recently I never cared much for mustard, now I crave it.

Call the ketchup, we've got mayo problems with this one!


I love Dijon mustard.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 24, 2020

No Scotsman mixes wine in their mustard.

You mean no TRUE scotsman ...?

@Word That would be the follow up statement that highlights how fallacious the argument is...

@JeffMurray this is a joke discussion and someone wants to argue? How not fun that is.

@Word I'm not actually arguing. 😝 I didn't think you were being serious either.


I eat honey dijon with popcorn chicken. Sometime I have it with sausage too.

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