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Am I a radical? According to the ads on TV I am. That's a republican viewpoint. Should the opposing side make ads calling opposing candidates and their supporters white supremacists? Ijs

IAJO163 8 Oct 24

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In the United States, the word 'radical' is tossed around the way words like 'socialist' or 'commumist' were (and still are) tossed around during the 'Red Scare' of the 1950s.
In reality, a 'radical' is simply someone who likes to get at the root causes of a problem :
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches to the one who hacks at the root".
Reactionaries on the other hand, are those who are oblivious to the truth, and quite comfortable in their ignorance.
Radicals contribute to Human progress, while Reactionaries only serve to retard Human progress.
Anyhow, I'd rather be a Radical than a Retard!


I have always felt, and continue to feel, that it's a mistake to lower ourselves to the opposition's level. It is perfectly legitimate to point out that the Republicans frequently court the support of white supremacists, and many refuse to denounce them; some are outright white supremacists, and should be called out as such. But we should stay on the high ground.

(And the best thing about the high ground is that one can chuck rocks down off it.)


It’s tragic how the side with morals appears stymied by the same..

Varn Level 8 Oct 24, 2020
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