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Spoof 'SNL" Village People Vow to Shave Ivanka's Head if Trump Keeps Using "YMCA."

A ragtag group of spoof Village People on “Saturday Night Live” belted out a hilarious version of “YMCA” threatening to “shave Ivanka’s head” if dad Donald Trump doesn’t stop using the song at his campaign rallies.

“Stop it! Yeah, I’m talking to you,” they sang on “Weekend Update.” “I said, stop it. This is long overdue ’cause we never said that we support you.”

They claimed they hired Trump-supporting lawyer Alan Dershowitz to issue a cease-and-desist order — piping up that “Alan knows where you been. Yeah, he knows what you’ve seen on that island with [Jeffrey] Epstein ...”


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 25

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Great idea!


That would be something, Ivanka involuntarily emulating Britney Spears.


love these spoof songs


Were this Paris, in 1789, there would be no shortage of volunteers who'd love to give all the Trump women 'new dos'!

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