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POLL Article: DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one - MIT Technology Review

Seems like we may soon live in, "Gattica"...

'...we will need to have a “serious policy debate” about such “personal eugenics.” One concern is that IVF is expensive. That could lead to a situation in which the wealthy end up using IQ-test technology to pick kids with select genes while the poor don’t, leading to an unequal society that Conley calls a “genotocracy.”'

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shockwaverider 8 Apr 10

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I'm never going to have kids. I've already had DNA tests at 23andMe and Ancestry - my data is already out there.

If I were to have a kid, I'd prefer if they were as healthy and intelligent as possible. So I'd do it for sure.

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