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LINK ‘Mel Gibson’s Dad Catholic’: Bill Maher Mocks Amy Coney Barrett’s Religion Again | The Daily Wire

Bill Maher - The only guy in all of America who calls it out as it is, i sometimes think

Check out his list of things about DaVinci Code Amy.

David1955 8 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Why is telling the truth about a person considered to be mocking them? When she helps overturn Roe vs Wade it won't be a joke at all.


I got to number 9 before being sure they were fictitious 😂


Democrats were way too kind to this piece of human garbage. Diane Feinstein needs to retire. She kissed that woman's ass. She was nice to Lindsey Graham. Democrats need to act like Jim Jordan acts. Polite discourse must stop. We need to act like they act. When they go low, we must go lower. Being nice doesn't work. If Trump wins I hope the streets of America break out in riots and civil unrest. I don't give a shit.

I agree with you that polite discourse must be stopped. We need to act like they act. Even pretending to be polite is a dis-service to all Americans. When the talking point becomes fake nail them to it and hold them to it. Make a liar appear to be the liar that they are regardless of who they are. It is the only way to cut through this nonsense and get as close to normal as possible.

@Thirst2learn What Senator burned and rioted? They just acted like total pussies in the hearings. Wait til Trump gets reelected. "Y¹all" ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to civil unrest in this country.

@Thirst2learn Not polite is running women over in protests and travelling across state lines to shoot people.

@Thirst2learn riots happen when peaceful protests go unheeded. Also easy for agitators to stir up emotional crowds

@Thirst2learn not terror, patriotism

@Thirst2learn I didn't make terroristic threats. You support Trump and I don't. You characterize opposition to him as rioting and looting. I think looters are criminals talking advantage of a bad situation. People have a right to peacefully protest against Trump. Senators should represent their constituents aggressively. If someone tries to run me off the road on a highway, I will shoot them. That not a threat, that's my constitutional right. Trump created this political climate. He wants this war. He will get it.


Always witty and correct

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 31, 2020

We're fucked.

Not yet...


Its a good laugh. But that cultist psycho being in the SCOTUS is no laughing matter. Major step toward theocracy


Thank u for sharing . I miss that some how , this is wonderful 🙌

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