Reassessing the Carter administration.
Um,..yeah. This guy pontificates to no end about something that is pretty much a forgone conclusion. I see the awakening writings of a 29 year old. My first vote was for President Carter's second term. Nixon had sent me and every other 17 year old male child a fake draft notice while we were still in High School, just to scare the shit out of children. Because thats what republicans do. They have always been evil so far as my 70 years can see. The next year I turned 18 Nixon was gleefully giving machine guns to teenagers and sending them to a foreign land to die. Anyone who actually voted for Reagan was a fool and probably still is. It seemed easy for our parents at the time. But I repeat myself.
Warmongering seems to be the GOP's way of boosting the economy. Makes on wonder whether they view common folk as cannon fodder.