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But will all the non-bigoted Americans ban together to aggressively address the problem? []

Nunya 6 Nov 4

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No, and the reason is that a large part of the Repub base are not bigots, just greedy selfish people who who want tax cuts and another large part of the base are white evangelicals who want conservative judges who are anti- abortion and pro-theocracy. Both of these groups will not stand in the way of the bigots if their group is getting what they want from the Repubs. It's simple self interest and tribal agendas being more important to them than honor or principles.


No. Reports of white supremacy’s winning are exaggerated.

It's winning because it's being tolerated by apologists for enablers like Donald Trump.

@barjoe Reports of white supremacy’s winning are exaggerated.

@yvilletom Many of my neighbors are racists. They use the "n" word regularly and they all voted for Trump. Is it exaggerated to call these people white supremacists? Biden vote in Pennsylvania was African Americans and college educated whites.

@barjoe I’ve heard PA described as Pittburgh and Philly, with Alabama between them.
Here in the SF Bay Area, most racists keep their heads down.

@yvilletom SF is a lot different from, for example, Idaho or Kentucky. You don't even have to use different states to show the contrast. I live only 30 miles from Washtenaw County, seat of Ann Arbor MI (home of U of M), and the difference between the two is night and day. My county voted, at last check, 70% for Trump. Washtenaw went almost 80% for Biden.

The more rural, more white, and less college-educated a county is, the more likely it is that it voted for Trump; and there's a heavy correlation between "rural, white, non-college educated" and the percentage of Trump voters. Those statistics are also a good marker for believing that minorities would rather be on welfare than work, that immigrants don't assimilate and don't contribute to America, and that there is a crime wave in the big cities; all the things Trump has been preaching, and all false. The less contact someone has with immigrants, the more likely they are to have a negative view of immigration (and support restricting it).

Do my neighbors think of themselves as white supremacists? Do they think of themselves as racists (or sexists)? No. They just complain that "you can't get a promotion unless you're a Black woman these days", but they don't look around themselves and see that almost every supervisor we have is a white male- the exceptions being 1 female sergeant, 1 female lieutenant (both white) and the warden (a Black male). That's 3 out of 32, and the majority have been promoted to their current position in the last 2 years; some just this month.

And statistically, 70 percent of them probably voted Trump. Probably more than that, since law enforcement is full of conservatives more than average. Consciously or not, white supremacy is alive and well.

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