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What is going on...

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Nov 4

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Just like the credit and rating agencies of the corporations, the credit card, and loan holders never really live in reality, hence make up ratings to enhance their bottom line, while lying, cheating, and fraudulently ratIng
criminal banks and hedge funds!!!

The pollsters are own by the same wealthy individuals and their corporations!!!


It shouldn’t take this much effort to get rid of a corrupt already impeached administration.


Yo! Nevada get your votes counted! If Nevada does go to Biden he'll have the 270 electoral collage votes to win.


It's close. Let's see who wins. I think the manager will get back to you tomorrow or Friday. It's only been one day.

Nevada just said Sunday, Maybe. With Georgia we won't need Nevada.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Nevada more likely. Arizona is still in play. Fox called it prematurely, they may still be right but they may have been wrong. Trump will catch up close enough for a recount in Arizona.

@barjoe Won't make a difference. The Force is Strong in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada. It is Done Deal.

@GipsyOfNewSpain It's all about Pennsylvania.


The ultimate Karen from hell.....

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