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LINK Do you think there will ever be a time when we can actually discuss removing "under God" from the pledge and "In God We Trust" from money and monuments? : atheism

r/atheism page on the likelihood of removing 'under God' from the pledge and "in God we trust"

Hages 7 Nov 11

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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Just another reason (besides being filthy) not to use cash. I don't ever want to look at that nonsensical shit.


I don't see any politician having the political will to do this. It would be a career killer for sure. I don't see any of them thinking it is important enough to fall on his sword.


Perhaps only when enough people refuse to say the pledge (which has been ruled their right under SCOTUS). Even with the horrid inclusion no on can be compelled to say this nationalistic saying.


Why? What's the point? Are u such a snowflake that a damn word offends u. We have the right not to believe in god, we don't have the right to try to force our beliefs on other ppl.

Learn some history you dumbass. The original oath didn't have this bullshit in it, and you want to talk about imposing faith or force beliefs?

@Mofo1953 show me where I said it did dumbass. I love it when ignorant motherfuckers try to turn a comment into what they want it to instead of what it says.

@RickyAdams your idiotic comment says it all asshole.

Your beliefs were forced upon other people in during the McCarthy Era hysteria when the E Pluribus Unum ("Out of many, one" )motto was replaced with "In God we Trust".

@dahermit again. Quit making assumptions, how were my beliefs forced on anyone? 1 I wasnt even born yet and 2 I'm an atheist so again how were my beliefs forced on anybody

@Mofo1953 as does ur simple minded 12 yo intellect. . U havent said 1 thing of substances just name calling and crying like lol girl

@RickyAdams you don't name call whiny little bitch? Look at your stupid asinine comment asshole.

@RickyAdams Crying like a "girl?" Fuck that!


Ok, I’m pagan (never been christian). But let me ask a legitimate question here:
Without any type of god (or at least a common philosophy), how do you determine what/who is good or evil? I mean is it in our genetics? For instance (I can’t use sexuality because you get banned for that - even though sex laws come from Bible), anyway — is killing someone bad? I mean our military kills people all the time! Is aborting a near full term baby murder? How do you objectively define murder?
I will dance 💃 to see the Abrahamic faith abolished, but I can’t see NO RELIGION (or at least a philosophical law)

How, without religion, to determine what is good and what is evil?

(Warning, metaphor ahead) The sheriff will keep you informed or in jail.


As most stated ::: it's a cliche- whose time is done;
Other countries are going cashless- the penny is
a prime example of WASTE(cost more to make then a cent).
Banking will always be a money maker for a select few ; lobbyists make sure it stays. Advances were made recently-my legislators abolished the prayer before public
debate> there is a LONG way to go,,,we still have BLUE LAWS
on the books( no business on SUNDAY ).
Thanks , and hopeful...


I think that change and progress begins with the individual and any change foisted upon an individual or group will be short lived for he or or she or the group will revert to their old beliefs and mode of conduct sooner or later. Indeed, if anything it is more than likely to reinforce existing beliefs.


Never happen.

Never say never....


Not in my lifetime.

If Joseph McCarthy had been a Muslim, it would have been "In Allah We Trust", and "One Nation Under Allah".

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