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Texting confused as talking!

Okay,, this is going out to all of you. When a person says talk or chat,, do you think they really want that? Or are they stuck on texting so bad that they confuse talk, chat for texting? I’m running into this more and more. Even when offered a phone number to talk,, the answer is an endless stream,,,of,,, tons of texting! It’s become boring to hear,, let’s talk.

Petercuddlebug 5 Nov 12

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I find i use the phone less these days,mainly business and your to the point,a lt of guys are like that on the phone just want to get or tell there message and get back off as soon as possible and do not want to do small talk ,mainly because they do not know how. Perssonally i seem a bit more knowledgeable when texting and things pop into my head quicker at times but also at the same time if someone takes something you txted the wrong way or misinterpets it you do not have the visuals or voice tones to get them back ,I enjoy texting but once i get to know a person and more connection is required love phone calls especially if you have something exciting to talk about or really want to find more out about the person,some people you click and talk endlessly and others you go tonque tied or brain dead and becomes awkward ,love facetime or messenger when you can see each other,find it much more enjoyable


I've had women tell me they are "talking to someone", and they use it interchangeably with "seeing someone". And I've often been told "talk to you later"when they really mean "exchange texts with you later". Talking seems to be ubiquitous for communicating.

Chatting seems to mean textual communication. Many internet services offer a "chat" feature, which is actually an exchange of text messages.

I just go with the flow. I pick up what they mean based on the context.


"It's nice meeting you," guys write as a first message. I shake my head.

Do they confuse being online with real life?

Methinks they need a remedial English class.

That is so true,, and it’s nice talking to you,, I answer you are texting,,it’s cold emotionless no voice.. then they reply with we are still chatting,, lol,, ignorance in their glory!


I hate to talk on the phone. Are you talking about online dating? You'd like to hear her voice at least once in a while but long phone calls are a nightmare. I'd much rather text.

Even with sitting in the same room,, texting versus talking,,, no one wants to talk,, all stare into their screeens

@Petercuddlebug No I don't text to people in the same room unless I'm trying to secretly give someone a heads up. I just don't like phone calls.

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