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LINK A South American mouse is the world’s highest-dwelling mammal | Science News

"Understanding how these and other animals survive under low-oxygen conditions could provide insight into how humans could overcome diseases that cause reduced oxygen levels . . . ."

AnonySchmoose 8 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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And such big ears, how does it avoid frost bite, I wonder.

Researchers will investigate adaptations like: 1) genes that promote oxygen release from red blood cells into tissues; 2) enlarged lungs and hearts and more density of blood vessels; 3) thermogenesis reliant on brown adipose tissue to adapt to low temperatures; and 4) currently unknown adaptations.


,,,good example of nature showing an improved direction
for humanity.

The mouse may give clues about how to treat oxygen-depletion from various diseases.


And l thought l was the highest dwelling mammal. Back to work. 😎

Am curious why they live so high if they can also live at sea-level.

@AnonySchmoose l wonder if they started at the higher altitude and some drifted to the lower altitude or vice versa.


Looks like a baby bunny

It does resemble a cute bunny except for the ears and feet.



bobwjr Level 10 Nov 14, 2020

Extremely cool.

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