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Why do men think this is a weapon?

It's a leather book weight, weighted at the ends. It holds open a book while reading at a table. "MOM" is engraved in the middle in small letters.

Claire gave it me for Christmas when she was eight. "Daddy, look!" she said in a bookstore. "Mama will love this." I felt embarrassed. Caught reading at the table. Claire was right. I love it.

Men make a beeline for it on my kitchen table holding open a book.

"Is this a weapon?" they ask, slapping a weighted end in their hand. Seems sordid.

Meanwhile, I lose my place in the book. Women never do that.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 17

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Because it vaguely looks like a blackjack.
And men live in a much more violent world of weapons than women do.



Will have to look up a blackjack. I'm unfamiliar with it.


I thought it was a sex toy.
I don't think good.

😅😅😅 maybe not "good" but I like it 🤣🤣


The same reason little boys pretend sticks are guns. And it does resemble a blackjack, AKA sap, cosh, or slapjack.


I've never seen a doodad like that but if I saw it in use I like to think I'd immediately comprehend it's purpose. Nevertheless, it probably could be used as a weapon if it came down to it. Lots of things could be used as weapons despite their harmless intended purpose.

Next time though, if some jackass asks if it's a weapon, tell them yes. It's the answer they expect and it won't likely prompt any additional stupid questions. Tell them its to hit anyone who tries to mess with your books. 🙂


Hilarious! Love your funny answer and the way you called them jackasses. Apt.

"Tell them it's to hit anyone who tries to mess with your books." Perfect.


That behavior may be true of some men, but by far, not all. Many of us deeply value reading and feel that it is appropriate at any time and place.


Thank you for your reassuring reply.


I think anything resembling a penis will trigger most men into thinking it's a dangerous weapon.

Well, there’s that...

@Gwendolyn2018 yes.

@Gwendolyn2018 obviously not all, but for most. Why? Common knowledge of most men, who are product of their upbringing by parents and society in general. How? Just see the nicknames most men use to describe their penises and that should give you a hint, prick, sex pistol, weapon of ass destruction, vlad the impaler, lap missile, etcetera etcetera, should I continue or now you got it?

@Gwendolyn2018 gee, I wonder why this is then? Do YOU have some stats for the men you know? Wake up and smell the coffee, this is what I am telling you, I don't condone the reality of the society we unfortunately live in.

@Gwendolyn2018 i don't have to prove anything to anybody. Do you frequent male locker rooms after workouts? I assume not. Google penis slang names and that should give you the answer you seek. Or just take my word for what I said. Most slang and nicknames sound belicose in nature. Now don't bother me anymore for something that you didn't even post.


Ooo a 'strop'. Weapons like these were commonplace in Scottish schools and used to punish unruly children.

Big leather straps and tawse ,very harsh

@RoyMillar The most famous was the lochgelly. Named after the town in Fife where they were made
My hands were familiar with the feel of them

@Moravian Yes i have seen them but have not felt there sting


Teachers are no longer allowed to hit children in Washington State.

@LiterateHiker Not here in Ontario either,


I have been on the receiving end of one of these. They are quite efficient.

yes they are

My brother in law was a cop. He “confiscated” one and took it home to show me. I laughed at it, then he hit me in the head with it, lightly. I would not want to get hit full force. Like they used to say, that would ring your bell for sure

@Canndue Many years ago I was walking down a street with my hands full of stuff, a cake on top of the stack of books. I heard a person running up behind me, I turned to look and turned back to walk further down the sidewalk. After about three steps I found myself on the sidewalk, waking up. I was mugged, I guess. I could not find my way around as my glasses were in the cake and I could not see them. I walked up to the closest house and rang the bell, I wanted them to call the cops. A few minutes later the police surrounded me to ask why I was on the porch of the house. I told them that I was knocked out and robbed and I wanted the person to call the police. All left but one who helped me find my glasses and get back together and then he gave me a ride home.

@dalefvictor wow, that sucks, thankfully it doesn’t seem to happen as much any more. Nowadays they just shoot you.


it looks a lot like a leather slapjack, I have not seen a book weight but it looks handy to use


Because it's a slap jack!


What the heck is a slapjack?

@LiterateHiker a weapon that a long time ago , beat cops carried.. basically a weighted whacker!


Perhaps because it looks exactly like a Cosh, Sap or Blackjack, which used to be a short heavy weapon and often a tube of leather filled with weight like lead shot. They were used by british and american police as a way of subduing a suspect without leaving marks. Also used by burglers etc. They've been replaced now by extendible batons. A sock filled with sand will do in a pinch 😜


Only because they see it as competition and one that can come to more uses than what they can offer.


It does not look like a weapon to me but then again neither does a ball peen hammer or for that matter the common automobile.

When I have a fire and anvil, a ballpeen hammer looks like a very delicate paintbrush for hot steel.

@Holysocks so does an induction heater and a 400-ton press


Decorative! I love it!

I have only used coal forges and a 5000 ton press. Guess I will stick with my 3 pound hammers. (Sighs)

@Holysocks I actually poured a aluminum ball peen hammerhead when I was in high school it was part of our projects in hot metals. I did use our induction heater when I was working for doing some ornamental stuff around the house including using a 3 lb ball peen it's fun being creative.

I would love to get some casting tips and tricks from you!


A weapon? Why do I think it's a weapon? I've never seen one before. Why would I think it's a weapon?


Police used to carry a similar item, called a sapp. I happen to have one , given to me by a cop friend years ago. Small, solid, and capable of cracking a bone - or maybe a skull !


That's some serious old school 007 stuff right there


very cool! I want a book mark that doubles as a weapon. 🤣


It's kind of important to have if you are in the middle of a good book and a good meal.

Hell, I will grab a lump of steel out of the stash just for this.


Look like a measuring spoon.


I think it is because any thing one can hold in there hand and weighty ,can be considered a weapon or discipline device ,It is all in the use and intent ,Even a Judges gavel in court is considered a weapon if used with intent the wrong way


Virtually anything can be used as a weapon.

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