University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) pulmonary and critical care medicine fellows Christopher Miller, DO, Thomas Marston, MD, and Nebraska Medicine critical care physician Daniel Hershberger, MD, drafted the letter below. They distributed it to some colleagues, hoping to add signatures alongside their own. The letter quickly gained attention, and as of this publication, it has been signed by 1,700+ doctors and nurses.
The message from Healthcare workers has been consistent throughout this mess, then you have GOP officials encouraging people to 'rise up' against the restrictions that are trying to keep people safe and encouraging people to gather for the holidays because 'it might be your grandparents last holiday. We're well past screwed. The entire Midwest is fast becoming a hot zone. My hospital is currently creating a third Covid unit to keep up with capacity, but we have nearly 100 staff out on quarantine, multiple physicians in the ICU and nearly half our entire capacity now Covid positive patients. Sigh.