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(This space NOT intentionally left blank).

Can you imagine what you would do if someone made a blank post?

Word 8 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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OK, so here is a photocopy of some notes in my notebook, that I am going to write next week.

Albino buffalo in a snow storm?

@Word Yes I got one of those too somewhere.
Trouble is I put it in with some blank sheets of paper, and now I can't find it.


Run for your lives!!!! The nothing is coming!!!!

I thought it was funny.

Wait. Wait. I think I just noticed a speck of hope. See the little dot, a period in the top left corner of the post.

Or, does that mean you just cannot actually make a blank post?

Trying to fool someone I bet. Make them think its blank not able to see the little dot.

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