I recognized the name of Janet Yellen, which is kinda amazing that I'd remember that, but I think she is an excellent pick.
Mike Pence "We know the American people know what to do.” simply stated because the administration hasn't a clue. The problem with the republican propaganda machine is that now that all their supporters believe the crap they've been hearing for 4 years the administration is trapped in it's own lies and have to keep going with the deadly message.
I did a huge eye roll and my response to the empty room was, "right, if Americans who listen to you knew what to do there would not be so high an infection and death rate you fucking idjot!"
Wa State is out of control. Over 100 new cases in Kittitas County since Nov. 10th. How are cases in the Islands?
@silverotter11 We are up to a whopping 56 cases with only 3 in the past two weeks. We have the 2nd lowest rate in the state. Everyone wears masks and social distancing, no problem on an island. These islands are relatively wealthy and more people have access to the internet. For the past several years there has been a big push to expand the fiber optic system.
@JackPedigo That's good to hear. Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. I am cooking a turkey, a fresh organic one but not a lot of sides. I like having lots of left over turkey to put in the freezer.
@silverotter11 I remember those days well. My mom was a horrible house keeper (and with 7 kids that was a big deal) but she was a great cook and we always had a feast. When I was on my own I tried to keep the Turkey with all the trimmings alive (mom would make oyster stuffing and mince meat pie and only my dad and I liked it). My first Thanksgiving in Germany I invited some neighbors over (it was a university city and all were students) and wanted to show them our tradition. Afterward one young went outside and fainted. A neighbor (who was in dental school) said he was a doctor and could help her. As a student many could not afford meat and the sudden large meal of meat was too much for her system. She later started dating the 'doctor' neighbor. I kept up this tradition until returning to the US and becoming a vegetarian. Just for fun here is a picture of my daughter (4) at a typical thanksgiving dinner.
Heather's Tuesday chat was great. Towards the end she mentioned she plans to focus on working to get elected officials to reintroduce some form of the Fairness Doctrine. As we know government agencies are complaint driven.