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Any pansexuals out there besides me? I feel like I need to represent..??

Boom! I'm a pan. Most people have no idea what that entails, considering there's only 2 sexes. So allow me to explain...(ahem!??)
?Pansexual people love all people and all people are considered when it comes to intimacy.
⚠Are we promiscuous?
(Some of us are..?)
Pansexual people are like bisexual people...but we look beyond your physical body and look at who you are as a person.?
Granted, we appreciate passion, possibly a nice package or a great yes, we have our preferences...✔
As an out pansexual, I'm not turned off by people who are considered taboo in a social standpoint...
Pansexuals appreciate people who are true to themselves...perhaps it's the confidence of standing mighty and powerful in the opposition of social conditioning.. ✅(I take awe in a Jayne Mansfield-lookalike transwoman with a fully-functional secret crush!)

Pansexual people can be happily married with children and live a normal life...they're just extremely open-minded in their sexual partners, is all.
The true sapiosexuals.?
If you can turn us on with your mind, it's pretty much fair game!❤

FinchiMcQ 6 Apr 11

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Namaste 🙂 ...from what you are saying it would seem that your experience of Pansexuality is a form of Polyamory, or am I incorrect about?...what I like most is the is so cool that so many more people are discovering themselves (no pun intended)...I am 66 and just discovered a couple of years ago that I am Poly although I haven't explored it being somewhat shy...thank you for being so open (I guess that's like saying thank you for being you 🙂 )...

Poly is different than pan. Poly means that you can ethically have mutliple relationships. Pan is you can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender or gender identity. You can be pan and be monogamous. It's more about the person than what parts they have in between their legs

Poly is slightly different, yes.


Where have you been my whole life !!!!.... ( No worries, I am beyond repair)


I am pansexual. But I think it partly depends on what your definition of pansexual is. I've seen so many people.claim pansexual means so many different things
For me I go with the old school meaning. its the brain does not process gender gender identity or gender roles. And brain does not faces as easily. Its about a connection and the person not gender or looks


Holy shit!
Yet another "xxxxx-sexual"!
I'm a firm believer in "live & let live".
But DAMN folks!!! How many different sexual definitions do we need??


I really love me a good cast iron pan! bwhahaha


No attraction to cookware what so ever.


Ok it’s a little hard for me to keep up wit all the terms now. I respect everyone’s sexual identity as long it between consenting adults. I have always considered myself a straight man. I’m attracted to straight weman bisexual weman. I have be involved with a married woman that was in a open relationship I would even hand out with her husband and have a beer. Even had threesomes with them a few times and I have been with 2 bisexual woman before. I have been in a few orgies as well but that was back in the 80’s and early 90’s. They normally involved some pretty heavy drugs those are kinda a blur so I can’t say if I ever done anything with a guy at least not that I can remember. I’m not attracted to transgender woman even post opt. I can admit if they are pretty though. Never had a sexual thought about another man not even when drunk. Transgender men hold no attraction to me either. So is there a new name for me. Or am I still just a straight old guy with a perverted streak?

As long as your happy, who cares...right?

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