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What happens after death?

So I don’t believe in heaven or hell, but I’m not sure what happens after death. My sweet and amazing dog just passed away and it’s really got me thinking about what could be happening. I’ve come to the conclusion that we are all just chemical signals and once we’ve died that they just stop and we aren’t anything. What are your thoughts??

nadiamarie 5 Apr 11

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89 comments (51 - 75)

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We are sorry for the loss of a human or a pet. I won't be able to answer until I am experienced in the subject... but WE ALL ARE OVER HERE NOW.


To answer the question at the top....Fuck knows! 🙂


I've come to your same conclusion, but it's about the effect that you leave on the planet that allows you to live on after you go. Your dog may be gone, but the memories and the happiness that it gave you continues.


Your dog is evolving to a higher level of condciousness. When its ready it will take another form. We all live many lives. This is something I saw personally. The key to help you understand this is to listen to the consistancy in the testimonies of NDE. There are common themes that run through these. I knew they were real because it happened to me before ever heard of this. We’ve all had the similar experience of dejavu.


I'm sorry about the loss of your pup.

I assume that when I die, it'll be just like it was for me back in 1928.


I like the way you put it, we are chemical signals.... Well, to your point, I feel like we die every day when we go to sleep and don't know anything until we regain consciousness.... The big one will not have a wake up the next day, that's all there is


Sad for the loss of your dog. I hope he/she had a long happy life.
Life is all there is, it starts, it ends.


We do like Beethoven & decompose


Lights out my friend


Hugs about your dog. I miss my dogs a lot. But everything we were just becomes part of the earth again. So our remains do go on in a way.


dono... i have it in my will that i am to be late to my funeral.


Your got it right - the short answer is nothing happens after we die in terms of consciousness or self awareness - but plenty happens to the body we once occupied. That being said, from afar I recently heard an interesting conversation between two people where one was saying that it is not our body that provides fuel to the consciouness but that the consciouness fuels the body. I haven't a clue what it means but it sounded interesting.


To me? Or to everybody else?

Sorry. That was a smart-ass answer. The answer is nothing, except chemically.


U cease to exist. The way it was before u were born.


It’s the end. Game over! We rot. I really sorry about your dog though.


Go through the pockets and check for change is my thought, but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking.

Here’s the rub. I can think the sun is green. It’s not though, so what I think is irrelevant unless it’s true.

I can’t prove an afterlife, so I don’t bother thinking about it. No point.


After death, there is nothing. Just like there is nothing before birth.
Sorry about your dog.


You become nothing just like before you were born


I don't believe anyone truly knows, however, the law of conservations of Energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed but only changes form. Further proof of this may be observed in many cases where some return from a previous life in another body. Here is one example that leads me to believe this experience may be just a story out of a book we designed? Who knows...but here is some food for thought:


Agreed... In my opinion, that's it, we're done.


Sad to say that may be the precise epitaph for dead companions/animals....but we the living can resolve to remember and care for living others...look for cures of disease and make safer life preventing deadly traumas


Wish I knew


Once the synapses stop purring, we are what we were before the journey began. Life is depressingly short but super sweet and I find solace in the fact that you aren't going to be aware that you are dead once you die, you will just cease to be as you did before conception.


We come from the earth and are returned to the earth, nothing more..nothing less.

What if you die in Mars? Jk.


I think our bodies are reduced by nature to bones.

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