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LINK WKRP "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" Thanksgiving - YouTube

This is hilarious. From the best episode ever. Was loosely based on a true story.

snytiger6 9 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Nov 29, 2020

Haha! I remember that episode from years ago!

Word Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

This actually happened to a guy I knew when I was working in radio, but he used guineas off a two story building in East Texas. Not a pretty story.


The cast and crew pulled that episode off most excellently. 🤣 And a group of Thanksgiving fugitives. 😁


Wild ones can fly short distances, not sure about the oversized grain fed birds we eat though.


I was camping in Oregon when a herd (flock?) of wild (feral?) turkeys came rambling through the woods, gobbling in that musical sort of way they do.

It was getting on dusk, and as we watched, one by one they took flight. Granted, this wasn't an impressive, miles-long flight - just up into the trees for the night. Still, they were able to fly about thirty feet up to roost away from predators.

Cool thing to watch. Whole flock fits in a tree or two


I just watched that episode a couple of nights ago.

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