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Bill Maher summed up his show season by comparing cults...the #religulous and the #Trumpsters.

Robecology 9 Nov 28

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trump said he wanted the kind of worship he observed Kim Jong-Un received from North Koreans. For them it was mandated under threat of severe penalties possibly even death. Difficult to believe so many Americans would volunteer so willingly to give this kind of devotion to a con man who couldn't care less about them beyond what he could extract from them.


Fair comparison.

Mvtt Level 7 Nov 28, 2020

That is great. I also liked that he talked about Christianity being a death cult.

And Trumpsterism. He will be deified and worshiped as the second comingm

This is because Christianity is a death cult. A blood religion that ended with Jesus being dead, then it twists things around until you are also dead. At that time the gullible claim you have "made it home" and will be there forever.


That was a great show. Bill is so funny!

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