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I think John Wayne's hand was gay.


Fred Rogers taught children productive ways to process overwhelming emotions like anger and grief, how to access these feelings and express them without throwing a tantrum or hitting others. How many young boys learned from Mister Rogers that there was a better way and, as a result, grew up to be responsible young men who turned away from criminal paths or weren't inclined to beat their wife and children when frustrations arose? People like Andrew Klavan don't understand reality; there are many "tough" men who came back from war, for instance, hardened and plain spoken as Klavan thinks men should be, but they lacked the tools to access their emotions and process what they were feeling in healthy ways. By contrast, those who do have the tools Fred Rogers tried to instill are those who are better equipped to handle stress and recover from trauma. (It's more complicated than that, of course, with many variables, but in general terms those who understand their emotions are better able to cope with difficulty in their lives.) I would ask Klavan, assuming he has children, whether he taught his three-year-old children to strike out angrily when they didn't get their way, or whether he instead taught them to be calm and to find peaceful, productive solutions to conflict.

Great write up loved what you said


He doth protest to much.


He's actually a major author of mysteries. Klavan is a bit wacky. I find most men who question other's masculinity are latent homosexuals. No offense to anyone who's openly gay.

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