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LINK We are making sacrifices for you. Please make a sacrifice for us.

I hope no one on this site needs to read this, but if you are of the mind that COVID is fake, or masks don't help, please read this. KevinMD is a respected doctor's blog, I've been reading it for ages.

HippieChick58 9 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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It's a real thing I volunteer for this

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 29, 2020

Bob , u inspire me . U are one of the good reasons to stay on this site .
Everyone I read here , has brought some logic and emotions and ideas to re evaluate in my life , and I learned much .
U have taught me that I am lazy and selfish , looking at u getting out there and doing this for free and at risk , it keeps me going . And I will remember this when better times and free times , and I hope I get my lazy ass to copy your actions one day . U are something else ♥️🙌

@Pralina1 Keep fighting the good fight sweety


He is right . We started w 2 covid teams back in March 11th .
I need 8 teams now , I barely hold 4, nurses are sick , doctors are sick , and pretty soon elective surgeries will have to go bye bye again , simply no beds .
Trauma and acute strokes and cardiac episodes suffer too , as there are not enough beds and nurses to treat them appropriately .
When covid consumes 1 nurse per 3 pts , maximum I can load that nurse is 4 pts ( and “ pray “ that she can handle it ), do the math , I just have no people left .
I am in a 400 inpatient bed capacity and I don’t have beds even for ED observation as we speak 🙁
The opening of schools back in October was a huge mistake , and yesterday I intubated another 54 yr old , mother of two teens , nothing but a mild asthma as history .
Pls stay home if u can , we losing r shit as it is , we don’t want money , we don’t want capes , we don’t want recognition , all we ask for is enough ppe , and enough coworkers to keep doing what we doing .
We also want to sit home one of these days w foods and drinks and long showers and not feeling guilty that the community needs us . That’s all we ask man , is that too much to ask ?🙁


As usual, well stated.

I am among the minority in these parts that fully follow you advice.

A nurse friend the does hospice and home health care noted in her Facebook home health care group feeds an unusually high number of home health care nurses talking about recovering covid patients that were released from hospitals and doing better at home but weeks later unexpectedly dying. I wonder if those deaths are reported in the covid death counts?

@NoMagicCookie good question . Let me find out tomorrow and I will msg u . I am curious too . Stay healthy sweetie .


Yeah there are those on this site. I just hope when they get infected, they don't spread it to any nice people.

That IS the problem. They spread it all over their communities, sickening and killing people. It should be criminal.

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