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LINK Biden's doctor says he has hairline fractures in his foot after slipping while playing with his dog - CNNPolitics

YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The news-cycle is already headed back to "normal." This is on CNN "Headline News". No Kim Jung Un love letters, no assassination of an Iranian general or scientist, no coup in Venezuela, no grabbing 😼😼😼, just an elderly white guy and a routine old-white-guy-injury.

I can't say it isn't a welcome change after the past near-four years of Cirque de Trump and Co., but DAMN!!!!!!! He's not even moved in the WH yet and we're already getting injuries that are a signifier of needing a place at the Villages, not the White House. But, yeah, at least it isn't the usual circus!

*PS: They're taking a cat with them into the WH. A cat. With an elderly man that just injured himself whilst playing with a dog. This has BAAAAAAAD but "normal" written all over it! Cats are much more stealthy and potentially-injurious than dogs. 😛 😛 😛

SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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He'll have to wear a boot.


Is it a black cat?

I'm not superstitious, but they are harder to see at night, hence easier to step on/trip over (i.e., more dangerous).


CNN Fake news could be toned down a little and Joe Junior ouchies is a humane breath of fresh air... however the kind of Venezuelan fake news is likely to increase.... duopoly is all about Pentagon profits...Congress controls all the money the White House pulls the triggers

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