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They acknowledge that they are fundamentalists: "but if they can sign the tenets of the fundamentals of the Christian faith". That's at least is something. But they lower their weapons of limitations for others. Still I believe that if they hire a non-fundamentalist they will sack it "when they can find someone better". They haven't changed their fundamental visions.

Gert Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

Hmmm... he may have to tone it down a bit more.


Even though the rules have been relaxed, it seems you still need to be pretty kooky to work there.


Ha, ha! My guess they pay pretty crappy too. Money is always the bottom line.


I would love to go in there undercover and see how everyone really acts when the public isn’t around.


Teehee. Cool.


Oh Brother. It's not enough to be a Science denier?

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