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LINK Falkirk Center: Systemic Racism Is Fake Since Some Black People Are Successful | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Last week, six Southern Baptist seminary presidents released a statement claiming that Critical Race Theory was incompatible with Christian teaching. CRT is essentially the belief that systemic racism is real and consequential, and that people of color continue to be at a disadvantage in our society.

Now, expounding even further on the subject — even though no one was asking him to — Nathan Skates of Liberty University’s Falkirk Center (which is still a thing) says that if CRT is legitimate, then no Black person would be able to succeed in the United States.

Apparently the success of some Black people means there are no real barriers to success for everyone else. It’s the same mindset that says having a Black friend means you’re not racist.

Skates wrote this in response to criticism from Jemar Tisby, a Black Christian author who has written about Christianity’s racist history in America:

snytiger6 9 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Systemic Racism is a boogeyman and a cudgel to beat over the head of white guilt-ridden idiots. Biggest problem in the black community are the lack of fathers in the household. Maybe the 70% of blacks kids raised in single-parents holds is a reason their communities are shit, eh?


Exactly what racist will say

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 11, 2020

A crazy question, if the friendly atheist website suddendly closes for business or disappears, what will happen to your daily posts?

Is wordpress still going?

I do still find other articles from other sources, but those from Friendly Atheist are just most often the most relevant to this site. I hope my posting their articles helps increase their web traffic, so they can stay in business for a long time.

@snytiger6 you obviously and copiously do.


How this rationale exists in a “university”, just brings the university under question


The racist person see nothing wrong with their point of view. It will take laws against racism to start to change the bigots point of view about race equality.

Will it though, we have laws against it, it just becomes more covert.


Same people who found ways to say slavery was acceptable.


Oh, FFS!



idunno. I just don't give it much thought, true or not.

SCal Level 7 Dec 10, 2020

In that case all whites should be very rich and successful.


Here is an excellent read for anyone interested:
"Stamped from the Beginning" A History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi.
He is a professor of History and International Relations.


Kind of embarrassing really isn’t it? But then if you’re not open to learning it is difficult to understand.

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