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Romance is not about the perfection. No. Romance is the recognition that we're attracted to each other substantially as we are, combined with our willingness to confront all our complication and drama to work out a sustainable future together... and the willingness to do nice things with and for each other along the way to make it all seem worthwhile. THAT is romance.

EarnestEccentric 7 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I suspect it's more about the triggered release of serotonin and oxytocin. The triggers vary between people and places. For some people it's a rose and for others it's a well turned buttock. 🤣🤣


Attraction leads to lust. When you get to familiarity you've got romance. Same with humans or any other barnyard animal.


Romance is simply the delight of shared physical and emotional attraction. Real love is much deeper and more enduring.

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