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McCartney III now released. Will you be rushing out to buy it?

Paul McCartney "Once you've written [songs] and once you release them, they're like birds: They fly away, and you have no control over them. And I'm happy for them to land in other people's lives." A loving sentiment Paul, I appreciate it.


The story of George by his gate is delicious but of course irrational.

FrayedBear 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll just listen to it in glorious HD on Amazon Music.



Why not?

@Theresa_N I loved most of the Beatles music...McCartney wrote some great stuff...that’s all past tense though. His performances of the last decade or so have been kind of sad and diminished I believe..just a personal opinion.

Truthfully, I haven't heard anything by him in well over a decade. I liked his first solo album, haven't liked anything by him since. But I thought I'd check out this latest one, maybe its similar to the first one. I don't listen to radio or it's alternatives. I pick and choose individual artists to listen to on streaming services.

@Marionville another egotistically clutching to fame?

@FrayedBear He’s a sad relic....someone should tell him just to write music for other people, younger singers who can do his music justice. I always preferred other artists singing his songs anyway, even when he still did have a singing voice.


I just might. I recently bought a handful of his more recent work(which is still many years of post-Wings work). ...but I need more. 😍

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