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LINK The Cost of Visiting Earth May Be Too Astronomical For Aliens

A really interesting article for those of us without Phds in Physics.

If you are a big Star Trek fan this article is like a bucket of water in the face. Oh the reality of space travel! I like the summaries of all the theories about space travel, and about aliens, written for a general audience.

I didn't see any mention of the idea that there many be cosmic superhighways out there, maybe making travel around the universe more conceivable. Maybe that was too sci fi for the writer.

Recommended reading.

Anyone question any of the assertions in this piece? Just interested.

David1955 8 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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This is pretty much my own view, I think we are closer to the limits of engineering than speculative science assumes. They always use numbers that assume very compact, efficient and reliable drives. It may be that the best fusion drive will always be somewhat clunky. They also rely on the prospect that protecting the vessel at speeds a large fraction of the speed of light from collision for decades or more without a single failure is possible. Interstellar travel with realistically achievable machines is very difficult and dangerous.


Full knowledge and exploitation of either gravity or quantum entanglement could change the entire conversation. Until then, Starshot propulsion using a nano swarm approach could put inexpensive sensors into orbit around Proxima Centauri in 20 years with radio wave or pulsed laser responses containing imagery and other planetary data taking approx 5 years. This technology currently exists.

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