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How to get out of your house the next day after a blizzard? Keep a shovel inside, open the door, shovel your way out, and then go to work lol. Getting more snow on Friday... just another day. 😁

The kind of snow that is perfect for making snowmen is the wet and heavy kind. The blizzard we got last night consisted of very fluffy and light snow. I spent around an hour attempting to build a big snowman, was determined (which is why I was out there for an hour lol), and failed.

Maybe and hopefully on Friday the snow will be perfect for making a big snowman ⛄️🙂

VeronicaAnn 7 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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It's been a year now since I left Chicago. I am too far south to enjoy the snow like I did when driving up north.

Word Level 8 Dec 31, 2020

You could put some snowballs in the freezer to throw at annoying people this coming summer... I think it's great that you are having fun anyway. 🙂


That's a lot more snow than the part of Illinois I live in, which has seen very little. I blame global warming for lack consistent snow in the mid west.

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