At this point, Republicans might as well just open fire on Fort Sumter and be done with it. That's the only way they could show more evidence of their "patriotism" and love for the Constitution. The only question is: Who's going to be first? The whole right-of-center portion of the American political spectrum has fallen into a system where the selective pressure is all about being the most outrageous, the most extreme, the most willing to trample all the meaning of the American system into the mud while waving the symbols of that system overhead. It's not a race to the bottom, because there is no bottom. But there is a point of no return, and Republicans have gone way, way past that point.
There needs to be peaceful, organized demand for accountability from government. And maturity to accept it may not always end up how you think it should. Once the appropriate level of transparency has been given, it is enough and time to accept things for what they are. You should never allow yourself to be goaded to violence, but rather purposeful, well thought out action.
I recently was reading a piece on the use of language in war time. People who seek to wage war will attempt to control you through words that demean the other side. When you see abuse of ideas in this manner BEWARE, the "war pigs"(1)may not be far away. And to clarify "war pigs" is referring to the wealthy, powerful controlling forces that promulgate or facilitate war for self-interest. See my footnote below.
1 Referers to the Black Sabbath song of same name. Also, side note, only recently learned of the song/lyrics/meaning. Not a genre I usually listen to, but the idea behind song is certainly worth learning about whether or not the music itself is listened to or enjoyed.