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LINK 2000s Things That You Haven't Thought About in 20 years

Haha! Some of these are so funny. And I had not thought of them in decades for sure.



SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't miss a single thing on that list πŸ™‚.


I must be getting old, I expected 8 track tape players, clackers, lawn darts, Bob Hope USO specials, Cher, and a puppet named Topo Gigio on the Ed Sullivan’s show.

I like your list better, so I guess I must be getting old, too. Especially when I say that I really enjoyed those old variety shows.


Not much of this rings a bell with me. The one exception is the Winamp Player. When I first got into computer they sold us on how great the Winamp sound was. I'm still laughing. Computer sound is in the codec you have in your system. Not an impressive player displayed on your system.




Some of these I still own

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