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Democratic victories in Georgia end Mitch McConnell's evil reign.

This is the BEST part.

The Democrats' victory in the Georgia runoffs is a disaster for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, costing him his dominant role in the Senate.

McConnell has been majority leader for six years, but once the Biden administration begins, he'll be the minority leader.

He'll also lead a Republican minority fractured internal conflict and with no allies in the White House.


LiterateHiker 9 Jan 6

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Finally some sense


Yet another reason to CELEBRATE! 😀


Lets hope Joe and company does a good job so we don't end up with the same obstructionist mess in 2 years that we've had the past decade.......


Again.......I know it’s all but certain that Jon Ossoff will win, but don’t say its over until it’s over. When the race is called and done, rejoice then. Never count the chickens before the eggs hatch.

I was thinking the same


Biden needs to get busy. Lots of Progressive legislation for the next 2 years. Who knows what the mid terms will bring. 50 seats in the Senate. This is good news for the Democrats and good news for all Americans and good news for the rest of the world.

Like a Fleet enema on a constipated opiate addict.


Maybe, we will get lucky and the d bag will quit.

Who would hire him. He is to addicted to the money and power. Even if he got knocked down a few notches

@gigihein Most likely he has enough money to live right now. If not he can ask his Russain buddies for a loan.

He is worth over 20 million, and still earning $3,700 a week. At 78, and looking every minute of it, he will have no opportunity to spend it before he croaks. It must be all about the power. The mumbling old coot needs a reality check.

@freedom41 Of course he does. Or be a lobbyist, but they usually have a little better curb appeal.

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