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Big brother or just another privacy invading hulk?

The grim โ€˜New Normalโ€™: Japanese firm unveils new facial recognition system that can identify people THROUGH their masks []?

FrayedBear 9 Jan 7

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Masks must be removed at banks. Because for banks not knowing who you are, is worst than the covid. Lol.

In the US, that is untrue. Banks in Pennsylvania anyway require masks.

Kidding, or maybe not.


That can't work. Even regular casual recognition isn't foolproof. I talked to a lady I met at supermarket the other day who Facebook friended me. I thought she was hot, nice body pretty hair, nice voice. When I looked at her profile she was fugly.

and your point being?

@LenHazell53 I couldn't tell what she looked like without her mask in person, pertaining to this broken link.. What's your point? Leave it to RT to make a conspiracy theory out of a safety feature for private security in a workplace. Clean link. []

Correct me if I am wrong, but the way you wrote this post seems to indicate that her facial looks overrode her other qualities and made her undesirable, that being the case it seems a rather shallow and superficial attitude.
If that is not the case I apologise.

@LenHazell53 It made me not want to date her. I have commented on threads and chatted with her since. I guess I'm shallow. She's a nice person, she has a nice body but she has a ugly mouth. What? I have to date an ugly girl who I chatted with at in the produce aisle? Physical appearance is important as to who I date. There has to be a physical attraction, doesn't there?

I base my attraction to people on their personalities and qualities, physical attraction is WAY down the list, a lesson I learned the hard way.
My first wife was considered a beauty, she was also a violent, abusive and greedy bitch, who quite literally beat me black and blue because she knew I would never physically hurt a woman under any circumstances.
My current wife was described by my sick twat of a brother as a "Troll" who I should be ashamed to be seen with.
We will shortly be celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary and is still to me and the rest of our family the most beautiful person I have ever known, and some one I am privileged to be loved by.
Still each to their own, I hope you find a pretty face to enjoy.

@LenHazell53 That's great. I wouldn't call my brother's wife names, and I don't really care for her as a person. I only meant to relate a personal story to OPs header, I didn't even read the link. After I made my comment, I clicked on his link and it is broken. I found a clean link and RT just shared it and it had a misleading clickbait. If you're mad at your brother, call him superficial. Good looks isn't everything, nice is more important but I start with physical attraction, after that I have to love a woman for who she is. I wouldn't judge you for who you are with. Just like you don't care what your "sick twat of a brother" says about your lovely wife, I don't care what you say about me.

@barjoe thanks Joe. The url worked when I put it up. I've now edited it & it seems to work.

@barjoe "she has a ugly mouth". I have noticed that mask wearing has resulted in many women looking more attractive. As many here have crocodile skin making them look 30 years older than they are, the mask is a temporary distraction. Len however is correct in that man does not feed on food alone.

@barjoe "Leave it to RT" lol your pavlovian like drool has lept out Joe?

@FrayedBear The headline is clickbait the article is not theirs, was only shared by RT. The software is security identification of known employees and can confirm their identity and allow them to remain safe during the pandemic. It's not big brother. I used to watch RT, they were broadcast on air. I don't have cable and that was the only 24 hour news. They had some quality programming and some hot lady commentators, American ones too, Abby Martin was one. They were big for Bernie Sanders, and so was I. They switched to Trump. They were anti Hillary and wanted Bernie to be the nominee, it was Vladimir Putin's hatred of Hillary that drove those efforts. I came home late election night 2016 and I was pretty disappointed in the election. I turned on RT and they were whooping it up. Cheering the election of Donald Trump. I've hated them ever since. I HATE TRUMP and I HATE PUTIN and I HATE RT. That's why.

@barjoe the click bait headline "Big Brother" was mine.

@FrayedBear Grim New Normal was theirs.

@barjoe ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

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