Bloody hell! Betsy DeVos has abandoned Donald Trump: []
She made the choice requiring less courage.
Go down with Trump repeating the big lie is unthinkable.
Agreeing to the 25th amendment would betray a man she passionately supports again unthinkable.
And if enough cabinet members resign it helps Trump because they need a certain number to remove him.
Aka "rat jumping the sinking ship"?
Who would'nt flee a ticking time bomb. It like shutting down the Brothel. There's no reason for her to go back.
Betsy, Betsy, Betsy ... you hitched your wagon to the wrong ox!
In any case, your home state of Michigan isn't the state your Amway dad-in-law founder knew. Too bad for you ... as an ideal plutocrat, who knows what you might have done with four more years?