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Trump has never done anything for the poor. This is a picture of a garage in Meridian, NY. The trailer is in the same condition. This is so sad

ADKSparky 8 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Most Trump supporters are rich, or semi-rich people, fearful of having to pay their taxes.


I bet they are the result of LBJ's passage of the Civil Rights Act. They no longer feel better than anyone.

On the inside, you're right, they know now they are white trash who are not any better than the colored people or immigrants they hate. But they will never admit that to anyone or show any of that shame on the outside. They're poor as dirt, but they will always cling, at least on the outside, to their belligerent pride about at least being white and Christian, rather than Muslim or atheist.


I bet they're white.


Yes they are white

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