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The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has now surpassed 400,000 even as officials warn of a continued rise in cases and deaths linked to holiday travel.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 19

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There will be another spike following the mess in Washington DC 2 weeks ago, hope all these fuckin’ Tards drop dead


Ridiculous! I have a needed job and I go to work and then come home. Self quarantine.


I have no issue with the willfully ignorant who commit suicide by means of Covid-19. However, I take exception to the way they infect and kill other people.


@imback Go back to your church and do some prayers with the other trolls.


If this doesn't piss you off you should take your head out of the sand. A lot of it could have been avoided. Between 45 and the selfish assholes in denial who partied maskless with their families and spread it to their community I am so sick of this shit.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

If 45 had just told the truth, from the beginning, the numbers would never have gotten this bad.
That is a FACT that should NEVER be forgotten.


Sadly we may reach a death tally closer to the Great Influenza of 1918, (which killed 600,000 Americans, and many millions Worldwide) before we manage to vaccinate everyone.

Very sad and likely true.

Factor in how much better health care is today....really highlights the mismanagement

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