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There is so much shouting out about FREEDOM. Freedom of speech (no matter if it's truth or a lie; no matter how much harm it does); Freedom to carry guns (no matter how much harm that does). Constitutional rights!! The Magna Carta contains a definition of FREEDOM: The right to do anything you want SO LONG AS IT DOESN'T HARM OTHERS.

think-beyond 7 Jan 24

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A delighting slighting remark from John Cleese -

And the Trump, himself. ....... and, oops, his big mouth son, Jr.. and oops, and his whole family...and his base.
A whole bevy of obnoxious, dangerous, stupid people!

@think-beyond Who?


You are right. Librertarians and the reactionary right falsely use the word "freedom" to mean license tio do anything they want to, rgardless of the consequences.


Right wingers only seem to value freedom when it translates to them being nasty to others thru domination or exploitation. They really don't care about the freedom of anyone different from them, weaker than them, or poorer than them.

Are lefties like the Clintons & Obama any better?

@TomMcGiverin Tom you reveal your ignorance. You know nothing of me.

@TomMcGiverin the following was recently written & reported in Out of the Illusion group:
"The United States has been here many times before. In 1993, when the “man from Hope,” Bill Clinton, came into office, it was proclaimed to be the end to the right-wing Reagan/Bush era. At home, Clinton brought an end to welfare “as we know it,” while abroad he waged war in the Balkans and dropped bombs on Iraq. Obama, the candidate of “hope and change,” expanded on the wars begun by George W. Bush, while funneling trillions of dollars to Wall Street, overseeing what was at the time the greatest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top of society." Niles Niemuth []

@FrayedBear So what? The quote from Out Of The Illusion proves my point about Clinton and Obama. Those quotes were not written by you. My point stands, you are a right winger who distorts the labels in who you call leftist.

You want respect from me? Then have the intellectual honesty to not refer to DINO pols like Clinton and Obama as leftist, then I could possibly respect your opinions.

@FrayedBear My dear friend, there is no comparison. Whatever you see against Clinton and Obama, it is nothing compared to the enormity of Trump's incompetence and dangerous and cruel actions. He not only is a threat to the US but to the whole world resembling that of Hitler, his idol.

@TomMcGiverin Tom "In 1993, when the “man from Hope,” Bill Clinton, came into office ....Obama .... while funneling trillions of dollars to Wall Street, overseeing what was at the time the greatest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top of society." Niles Niemuth []" - I was taught that putting a name after a quote identifies the person who wrote or spoke the quote. Or is your angerry cognitive dissonance at my drawing a left wing criticism to your attention. But perhaps World Socialist Web Site isn't "left" enough for you?
What sort of an education failure did you receive or is it the dope that you are smoking?

@think-beyond Thank you for your support. Frayed Bear does not seem to grasp that my beef with him is about him saying that DINO, right center Dems are no different than Repubs, and thus, that ALL Dems are just as guilty, in his mind, of being fascist jerks as Repubs usually are. That is what my argument and what my initial disagreement with him was about. Clinton and Obama should be Repubs rather than Dems and in the old days, they would have been, before the DNC made the Dem Party into Repub lite. Saying that neoliberals like Clinton and Obama are jerks does not prove that Repub pols are better, more humane, or fair than Dems as a group than the Dems who are progressive and actually decent, caring people. FB attempts to smear all Dems as being as fascist as Repubs by tarring them with how those two DINOs are.

@TomMcGiverin At the moment, I put aside these political arguments because Trump is a whole other story. I don't think Clinton or Obama would have put these children in cages, babies OMG! Fomenting racial hatred. Constantly lying! Ignoring planet dire issues. Doing nothing about the pandemic. Completely incompetent! Festering rebellion. Waking up and strengthening the White Supremacist movement! Trump is a horse of a very different color - way beyond anything we have ever had.


Don't forget freedom to not wear a mask. Freedom to infect others during a pandemic.

Had one of those in the Super market yesterday. An ageing Karen dressed up like lamb!
When I berated her for her stupidity she went & complained at the desk.
The store at its entrance had the following sign -

@FrayedBear She complained? You don't work there right? What are they going to do? Throw you out for being mean to another customer? I assume it's not the only store in your town. Take your business elsewhere and report then for not enforcing public health regulations. You can be a Karen too.

@barjoe I complained also. Never worked there.. I was an out of town customer. I may even take it further as I was accused of entering through an exit that did not have an obvious sign saying "no entry" on the outside of the door!

I liked "Simple but true "

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