Generally I have found myself having to vote Democrat the last few decades, to try to stand up against the awful Repub candidates, but I see myself as independent, and I want to say, looking to 2022 and 2024, that I will give consideration to voting for any Republican Federal candidate (for House, Senate, President) who
So, for example, if Romney or Murkowski votes for Impeachment, as an independent, I'll slightly increase the extent to which I would consider them for President. If one of these 10 Repubs from the House is on a ticket, it would slightly increase the possibility I would vote Republican.
Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney
New York Rep. John Katko
Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger
Michigan Rep. Fred Upton
Washington Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler
Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse
Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer
Ohio Rep. Anthony Gonzalez
South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice
California Rep. David Valadao
Not to overdo this: for the most part the Republican party and so many in it are not people at this point that I can really give fair consideration to.... they have gone way too far, and their inaction on continued Constitution-undermining efforts by their peers and associated thought-leader pundits means that I just am not optimistic. Even if there are 10 Reps and 5 or 10 Senators who stand up and do the right thing, it doesn't make it "likely" that I will vote for one of them in 2024. But it would allow me to give at least a little honest consideration to their pitch.
I never have to worry about voting Repub for prez, they are all way too far to the right for me. Each four years, my only dilemma is whether to vote for the Dem or for the Green. Hopefully, by 2024, the Movement For A People's Party will be in place and have a viable candidate for me to choose over the Dem, who will most likely be Harris.
I used to vote Republican quite often locally, sometimes straight Republican. After this election, I may never vote for another Republican again.
I root for sports players and not sports teams. Likewise, I would give a candidate a chance even if they're with a party I don't like, but yes:
a) the Republican party now is so tainted with this ongoing attempt to overthrow the rule of law (particularly with the stolen election Big Lie), then I'm not sure what can be done.
b) even if I overlook the party affiliation, most of the individual Republican candidates, upon examination, have very little to recommend their candidacy to me.
With that said, I think a critical element in our arsenal as voters, to keep our thinking on a productive track, is to shout out not just reactively what we don't like about candidates, but to say what we do like, and we would like to see. Each Presidential Election I like to name Republicans that I would like to see drafted into the candidacy, if only to have as a response to the "ok, so who would be a good candidate in your view?" question. So, that's the reason for this thread. It's still a longshot, but I would not completely rule out voting for one of the people above. If, for example, Murkowski satisfies the criteria above, then I would at least slightly consider voting for her, depending on what I discover of other other track record and characteristics.