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Any atheists out there who have to live with religious people?

Just curious, because I've always lived with religious people, and I can't wait until I can move out with my boyfriend, who is agnostic like me. I'm so tired of coming home and hearing preachers on TV, or listen to stories about miracles and faith. Anyone else out there who has to live with religious people and hates it?

JudeZumester 3 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, my roommate and his friends. I walk on eggshells sometimes because it takes way less than one second for what i think to come out of my mouth. My next roommate, if there is one, will be non religious.


Even when they don't physically live with you, we all have to live with religious people and the unconstitutional laws and favoritisms they put into place.

yeah, too bad that most of the people in government (at least, for me as an American) are religious


Yes, that’s why we are now divorced.


When I was dating the woman who would become my wife, we were both English teachers in South Korea and taking the opportunity while there to study Buddhism. She was a lapsed Catholic, and I was an agnostic/atheist. Our wedding was at a Buddhist temple in Seoul, and for many years thereafter, we were both Buddhists to one extent or another, she more than I, since I continued to identify as an agnostic/atheist (Buddhism being a nontheistic religion in the sense that there is no creator god in its essence). However, about a year before Kristin died of cancer, she returned to the Catholic church. She just told me one day as she was walking out the door that she was going to church. I was somewhat startled, since I'd heard her criticism of Catholicism, but I just said, "Fine, I understand. Just don't expect me to go with you." Most of the time, it proceeded like this, but it was tough when we were talking about her death and what would happen afterwards. She got upset when she asked me if we would ever see each other again, and I replied that I thought this earthly life is all there is, but what was I to do, lie? Those discussions of an afterlife were the most painful talks I've ever had, and it didn't end there. Following her death, maybe a couple years afterwards, a friend of hers told me she was disappointed I "wasn't there for her spiritually" at the end. I damn near took her head off, and we no longer speak. I mean, WTF was I supposed to have done to "be there for her spiritually" and still remain honest??

yeah, I agree with you there. you shouldn't have to conform to your partner's religion in order to be a good partner. you loved her, and did everything you could to be supportive, and that's what matters. anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they're talking about. you have every right to believe what you believe, just as she did.


Living in a christian society, there is no escape!

mzee Level 7 Nov 29, 2017

Used to, then I bought my house with all that money I saved from not tithing XD

In all seriousness, it is annoying, but live and let live as much as you can. Unless they force you to listen/watch that stuff... then you know... 'MERICA.

"with all the money I saved from not tithing" lol when I left the church, not having to pay tithe was one of the main perks I remember being excited about tbh


My ex girlfriend refound religion. It was a major cause in our breakup.


On our first night out, my university flatmates and I got onto the topic of religion, and it turns out we're all either convinced atheists or just don't really care enough to take a stance on religion. It was a beautiful moment.


I live around Christians and work with them.


Stay strong Jude dude... You've got us for support!


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