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So you don't want the vaccine because you're scared not knowing what's in it, or the long term effects?

josephr 7 Feb 3

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As much as I hate the anti-vaxxer movement, I really wish those combating it wouldn't use non-analogous memes to try to get their point across. If billions and billions of vaccines were taken from fast food restaurants all over the world for decades upon decades, "what was in it" wouldn't really be a concern because it would have proved itself almost assuredly harmless (other than normal poor-diet-choice risks).

Non analogous? LOL

@josephr What did I say that was funny?

Since you asked, @JeffMurray, I found it humorous that you saw the meme i posted as being "non analogous?" I also couldn't understand how decades of eating fast food might be a "normal poor-diet-choice(s)" but "most assuredly harmless."

@josephr But you are able to grasp why it's not analogous, right? This is where some critical thinking would be useful.

  1. The meme doesn't say that you primarily eat chicken nuggets and hot dogs, just that you have consumed them throughout your life. I have eaten hot dogs every summer holiday as far back as I can remember, but those handful of hot dogs a year couldn't reasonably be considered the cause of any disease process (if I had one). The point is, you can consume them without much harm at all.
  2. We have a pretty good idea what's in hot dogs and chicken nuggets. It may be kinda gross, but we do have access to that information. Furthermore, people all over the world have been eating them for many decades with no severe problems linked to them.
  3. Medications that we think are safe even after trials can possibly cause grave effects decades later to offspring. It's rare, but you don't really know something is safe for a long time.

None of that is to say one shouldn't take the vaccine. I took it. I just don't like to see people use illogical arguments to advance their position because it leaves the door open for a solid counterargument. If you have good reasons for what you think, use those instead of nonsense memes; if you don't, people will think you don't have good reasons.


Antivaxxers are among the stupidest of all the conspiracy theorists. They probably are responsible for more deaths than all the terrorists combined.

You got that right.

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